Cold Storage Tips
10 minute read

Your Guide to Emergency Cold Storage Solutions

emergency cold storage
Written by
Icebox Staff
Published on
August 19, 2024

Why Emergency Cold Storage Matters

When emergency cold storage is essential, knowing the basics can save you time and stress. Whether you're an event planner dealing with last-minute changes or a business facing a refrigeration crisis, quick solutions are crucial.

Quick Facts about Emergency Cold Storage:

  1. Portable and Flexible: Ideal for events and peak seasons.
  2. Reliable and Fast: Available 24/7 for immediate needs.
  3. Multiple Options: From walk-in coolers to solar-powered units.

The ability to maintain the quality and safety of perishable items, especially during emergencies, is vital for various industries. Disruptions like power outages or equipment failures can jeopardize food safety and supply chains. That's where emergency cold storage steps in, providing a lifeline to keep perishable goods fresh and safe.

You'll find solutions like portable cold storage containers, walk-in coolers, and innovative solar-powered units custom to meet different needs. These options ensure your operations run smoothly, even in unexpected situations.

Overview of emergency cold storage solutions: portable units, walk-in coolers, solar-powered units - emergency cold storage infographic pillar-4-steps

Emergency cold storage terminology:

What is Emergency Cold Storage?

Emergency cold storage refers to the temporary storage solutions used to keep perishable items at safe temperatures during unexpected situations. This can include power outages, equipment failures, or sudden increases in demand that exceed the capacity of existing refrigeration systems.


At its core, emergency cold storage involves using portable or temporary refrigeration units to maintain low temperatures for perishable goods. These units can range from small portable containers to large walk-in coolers and solar-powered refrigeration systems.


The main purpose of emergency cold storage is to extend the shelf life of perishable products during crises. This is crucial for industries like foodservice, pharmaceuticals, and logistics. By maintaining a stable, low temperature, products can stay fresh and safe for longer periods, even when traditional refrigeration systems are compromised.


Emergency cold storage is often needed in various scenarios, such as:

  • Power Outages: Natural disasters like wildfires, earthquakes, and severe weather can disrupt power supplies, making it essential to have backup refrigeration solutions.
  • Equipment Failures: When existing refrigeration units break down, emergency cold storage can prevent spoilage.
  • Peak Seasons: During high-demand periods like holidays or special events, additional cold storage can help manage the increased volume of perishable items.
  • On-Location Services: Businesses providing services at remote locations may require portable cold storage to keep items fresh.

Inactive Data Retention

While primarily used for perishable goods, the concept of cold storage also applies to data. In this context, "cold storage" refers to the retention of inactive data that is not frequently accessed but needs to be preserved for regulatory compliance, backups, or disaster recovery. This data is stored on cost-effective, high-capacity media like hard disk drives (HDDs) or cloud services.

Real-World Example

The Abound Food Care Emergency Food Management Program is a great example of how emergency cold storage can be effectively used. They use solar-powered cold storage containers to store up to 25,000 ready-to-eat meals. These containers ensure food is accessible across a wide area during the critical first 48 hours of an emergency, helping to maintain food security in vulnerable communities.

solar-powered cold storage - emergency cold storage


Effective retention in emergency cold storage means keeping perishable products at the correct temperatures to prevent spoilage. For instance:

  • Vaccines and blood plasma need ultra-low temperatures, sometimes as low as -196°C.
  • Fresh produce typically requires temperatures just above freezing.

Modern cold storage solutions come with advanced monitoring systems that provide real-time updates and alerts. This ensures that any temperature fluctuations are quickly addressed, safeguarding the integrity of the stored items.

In summary, emergency cold storage is essential for maintaining the quality and safety of perishable items during unexpected situations. By understanding its definition, purpose, and various scenarios, you can better prepare for emergencies and ensure your operations run smoothly.

Types of Emergency Cold Storage Solutions

When it comes to emergency cold storage, there are several options to consider. Let's explore the most common types: portable cold storage containers, walk-in coolers and freezers, and solar-powered cold storage units.

Portable Cold Storage Containers

Portable cold storage containers are incredibly flexible and scalable, making them perfect for a variety of situations. These containers are essential during peak seasons, special events, or emergencies when extra refrigeration space is needed.

  • Flexibility: Portable units can be easily transported and set up wherever needed. This is ideal for on-location services, such as catering events or temporary food markets.
  • Scalability: They can be rented for both short and long-term needs, allowing businesses to scale their cold storage capacity up or down as required.
  • Emergency Use: In times of power outages or equipment failures, portable cold storage containers can help keep perishable items safe and extend their shelf life.

Walk-in Coolers and Freezers

Walk-in coolers and freezers are essential for preserving food at peak flavor and safe temperatures. They are commonly used in restaurants, supermarkets, and warehouses, and are vital during remodeling or outdoor events.

  • Preservation: These units maintain a consistent temperature, ensuring that food stays fresh and safe to consume.
  • Peak Flavor: By keeping items at their ideal storage temperatures, walk-in coolers and freezers help maintain the quality and taste of perishable goods.
  • Safe Temperatures: Advanced temperature control systems prevent spoilage and meet health department standards.
  • Versatility: Ideal for various scenarios, including emergency refrigeration, additional storage during peak seasons, and temporary needs during facility upgrades.

Solar-Powered Cold Storage Units

Solar-powered cold storage units are a sustainable and innovative solution for emergency cold storage. These units are especially useful in areas prone to power outages, as they rely on solar energy to operate.

  • Sustainability: By using solar power, these units reduce reliance on traditional energy sources and minimize carbon footprints.
  • Solar-Powered: They can store up to 25,000 ready-to-heat-and-eat meals, ensuring food accessibility in the critical first 48 hours of an emergency.
  • Cold-Storage Container: These units serve as both cold storage lockers for meals and hubs to assist nonprofit agencies in remote areas.
  • Ready-to-Heat-and-Eat Meals: Perfect for emergency food management programs, these units help provide nutritious meals to vulnerable communities during crises.

In conclusion, choosing the right type of emergency cold storage depends on your specific needs and scenarios. Portable cold storage containers offer flexibility and scalability, walk-in coolers and freezers provide preservation and safe temperatures, and solar-powered units offer a sustainable solution for emergency situations.

How to Set Up Emergency Cold Storage

Setting up emergency cold storage doesn't have to be complicated. Here’s a simple guide to help you get started.

Choosing the Right Location

First, pick a good spot for your cold storage. The ideal location should be:

  • Cool and Dry: Avoid areas that are too hot or humid.
  • Away from Sunlight: Direct sunlight can raise temperatures inside the unit.
  • Accessible: Make sure the location is easy to reach for loading and unloading.

Common choices include pantries, cupboards, and basements. These places usually stay cool and are out of direct sunlight.

Installation Process

Once you've chosen the right location, it's time to install your cold storage unit. Here’s how:

Modified AC Units

For a quick solution, you can use a modified air conditioning (AC) unit.

  1. Split AC Units: These are efficient and can be installed on walls.
  2. Window AC Units: These are easier to install and can fit into a window frame.

Placement and Fixing Units

  • Walls and Ceiling: Make sure the unit is securely fixed to walls or the ceiling. This ensures stability.
  • Electrical Connection: Connect the unit to a reliable power source. Most portable units need a 110-volt, 20-amp dedicated circuit.
  • Safety Standards: Follow all safety guidelines. This includes using proper insulation and ensuring the unit is grounded.

Special Considerations

  • Cool, Dry Place: Always place your unit in a cool, dry place to maintain efficiency.
  • Avoid Moisture: Keep the area dry to prevent mold and other issues.

Final Checks

After installation, do a few final checks:

  • Temperature Control: Make sure the unit maintains the desired temperature.
  • Door Seals: Check that the door seals are tight to prevent cold air from escaping.
  • Regular Maintenance: Clean the interior and check for any signs of wear and tear.

By following these steps, you'll have a reliable emergency cold storage setup ready to go. Next, let's look at the benefits of having emergency cold storage in place.

Benefits of Emergency Cold Storage

When disaster strikes, having emergency cold storage can be a lifesaver. Here are the main benefits:

Food Safety and Temperature Control

Maintaining a safe temperature is crucial for food safety. Refrigerators should be kept at or below 4°C (40°F), while freezers should be at -18°C (0°F) or lower. These temperatures prevent bacteria growth and keep food safe to eat.

  • Temperature Danger Zone: Food left between 4°C (40°F) and 60°C (140°F) can quickly become unsafe to eat. This range is known as the "temperature danger zone," where bacteria multiply rapidly.

Maintaining safe temperatures in cold storage is crucial to prevent bacteria growth. - emergency cold storage infographic checklist-light-beige

  • Bacteria Prevention: Proper temperature control stops bacteria like Salmonella and E. coli from growing. This is especially important during emergencies when access to medical help may be limited.

Uninterrupted Supply Chain

Emergencies like power outages can disrupt the food supply chain, leaving communities vulnerable. Emergency cold storage helps ensure an uninterrupted supply of food.

  • Power Outages: During power outages, having a backup cold storage solution is vital. Solar-powered units, for example, can keep food cold even when the grid is down.

  • Community Vulnerability: In times of crisis, communities can become food insecure. Having a ready supply of cold-stored food helps mitigate this risk.

  • Food Insecurity: By ensuring access to food, emergency cold storage reduces the risk of food insecurity. This is especially important for vulnerable populations, such as the elderly and children.

In summary, emergency cold storage offers critical benefits in terms of food safety and maintaining an uninterrupted food supply chain during emergencies. Next, let's dive into some frequently asked questions about emergency cold storage.

Frequently Asked Questions about Emergency Cold Storage

How much does it cost to put in a cold storage?

The cost to set up a cold storage unit can vary widely based on several factors:

  • Project Cost: On average, installing a cold storage unit can range from ₹3.5 crore to ₹4 crore for a 5000 MT capacity. This includes the cost of cooling systems, insulation, and other structural requirements.

  • Land Cost: If you need to purchase or lease land for your cold storage unit, this will add to the overall expense. Land costs vary greatly by location, so it's crucial to factor this in.

  • Technology Impact: Advanced refrigeration technology can drive up costs. For example, units capable of maintaining ultra-low temperatures will be more expensive due to specialized equipment needed.

What is the safe temperature for cold storage?

Maintaining the correct temperature is crucial for food safety in cold storage:

  • Refrigerator: Should be kept at or below 4°C (40°F). This temperature slows down bacterial growth, keeping food safe to eat.

  • Freezer: Should be kept at -18°C (0°F) or lower. This temperature halts bacterial growth entirely, preserving food for longer periods.

  • Temperature Danger Zone: Food left between 4°C (40°F) and 60°C (140°F) can quickly become unsafe to eat. This range is known as the "temperature danger zone," where bacteria multiply rapidly.

How many days for cold storage?

Different types of food have varying shelf lives even when stored at the correct temperatures:

  • Hamburger and Ground Meats: Can be stored in the refrigerator for 1-2 days and in the freezer for 3-4 months.

  • Fresh Beef, Veal, Lamb, and Pork: Can be stored in the refrigerator for 3-5 days and in the freezer for 4-12 months.

  • Poultry: Can be stored in the refrigerator for 1-2 days and in the freezer for up to 12 months.

Using a food storage chart can help you track and manage the shelf life of different items, ensuring they remain safe to eat.

In summary, understanding the costs, safe temperatures, and storage durations is crucial for effective emergency cold storage. This ensures food safety and helps in planning for emergencies.


In conclusion, emergency cold storage is essential for maintaining the integrity of perishable goods during unforeseen circumstances. Whether it's a power outage, equipment failure, or an unexpected surge in demand, having a reliable cold storage solution can make all the difference.

At Icebox, we specialize in providing mobile refrigeration services that are both flexible and efficient. Our units are designed for quick setup and can be delivered to your location promptly. We offer 24-hour service, ensuring that you get the assistance you need, whenever you need it.

Our easy setup process means that you can have your cold storage up and running in no time. Many of our units come with 110-volt wiring, allowing you to plug them into any standard outlet. This convenience ensures that you can start cooling your products immediately without the need for complex installations or additional electrical work.

By choosing Icebox, you are opting for a solution that prioritizes both food safety and temperature control. Our units are designed to maintain safe temperatures, preventing bacterial growth and ensuring that your products remain in peak condition.

For more information about our services and to find the perfect cold storage solution for your needs, visit our service page.

Thank you for considering Icebox for your emergency cold storage needs. We are here to help you keep your products safe and your operations running smoothly.

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